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Business ethics
We are aware of the responsibility we have as a company helping people. In our activities, we also support people who want to live a healthy lifestyle. We share our knowledge and experience with everyone who uses our products. We know how important trust in our day-to-day work is
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Akrikhin's ethics programme is a system of interconnected elements and mechanisms that ensure compliance by the Company and its employees with ethical standards of business conduct, corporate regulations, and rules of applicable law.
Denis Chetverikov President of Akrikhin

«To act in accordance with the highest standards in relations with our colleagues, partners, patients, and the business environment is our main commitment!»

Code of ethics
The Code of ethics adopted by us serves as the basis for the ethical culture of business relations for Akrikhin to follow.
Anti-corruption policy

As a socially responsible company on the pharmaceutical market striving to achieve the highest ethical standards, we strictly adhere to the policy of zero tolerance to corruption in any form and manifestation.

We develop local procedures and train employees to provide them with all the necessary knowledge that would help to correctly and timely recognize the dangers associated with corruption and understand what to do to eliminate potential risk.

We expect our business partners to take an equally responsible and appropriate approach to their business ethics and anti-corruption obligations.

Anti-corruption Policy of the Company
We pay special attention to personal data treatment issues. Akrikhin is always guided only by the rules of applicable law in force, as detailed in the Company's Personal Data Processing and Protection Policy.
Business ethics hotline

Any obvious or implied violations of Akrikhin's local procedures and applicable law may be reported to the Ethics and Compliance Manager in any of the following ways:

  • personal meeting after prior agreement of the time and place;
  • telephone conversation or leaving a voice message, phone: +7 (495) 785-25-08;
  • sending an email to:;
  • filling out a form on below;
  • sending a mail to: 9, Zemlyanoy Val Street, Akrikhin Pharmaceutical Company, 105064 Moscow, Russia, attn: Ethics and Compliance Manager.
Please note that if you send an anonymous message, Akrikhin will not be able to provide you with feedback.
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According to current legislation, the information provided in this section is intended exclusively for certified professionals in the fields of medicine and pharmaceuticals.

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