Akrikhin, one of the major Russian producers of medicines announces about launch of investment program devoted to the development and modernization of production facilities of the company. Total investment volume in 2010-2014 will be equal to more than 28 million of US dollars. Investments will be directed to extension and establishment of new production facilities, as well as to the reconstruction and upgrade of the existing facilities. Source of investments are the company’s own funds.
The main objective of the investment program is to increase production capacity with the aim to increase volumes of produced goods. At the present time Akrikhin Company is included into the TOP 5 largest Russian pharmaceutical producers in terms of volume of the produced goods. In 2009 the production output was equal to approximately 50 million packages of medicine. Realization of investment projects will allow to consolidate facilities, having concentrated production facilities on smaller area, to establish reserves and to increase production mobility. Moreover, investment program will complete transfer of all production facilities to GMP standards.
Also it is important to note that license and contract production is one of the directions of Akrikhin business. At present time Akrikhin produces in cooperation with foreign companies-partners more than 10 medicines. Investment program, aimed at the increase of production capacities, will positively affect the attractiveness of the Company as a partner in the sphere of license and contract production of medicines.
Investment programme includes four basic directions of investments: extension and upgrade of production of solid dosage forms, extension and upgrade of soft and liquid dosage forms, development of supporting infrastructure (boiler house), and reorganization of warehouse facilities.
As a result of the investment program the capacity of solid dosage forms production will increase practically 2 times: from current 30 mln packs to 56 mln packs a year. The capacity of soft and liquid dosage forms production will grow from present 17 mln packs to 25 mln packs a year. While expecting further increase of production volumes Akrikhin is planning to extend (more than two times) warehouse complex by construction of additional sites for 8 thousand euro-pallets up to 12 thousand euro-pallet.
Investment program of Akrikhin will complete the process of implementation of GMP standards into production, which the company was the first to start already in 1992. At that time on production site of Akrikhin the first in the country production of cardio-vascular medicine was established which met all requirements of international GMP rules. Then in 1996 in accordance with GMP standards production of creams was launched. And since the year of 2000 step-by-step reconstruction of the manufacturing facilities in accordance with requirements of GMP has been going on.
“Akrikhin is actively developing. From 2007 till present time the turnover of the company increased more than two times. Plans of development for the nearest five years presuppose increase of sales volume at least for 20%. As a result of extension and upgrade production complex of Akrikhin will allow to satisfy the growing demand for products of the Company” – Yan Slob, President of the Company, commented the situation with investments.
Information about Akrikhin Company:
Akrikhin is one of the leading pharmacy-companies in terms of production of high quality medicine; it is included in TOP 5 largest local pharmaceutical producers in terms of sales and production volumes on the Russian pharmaceutical market.
Akrikhin was established in 1936. Company produces more than 150 medicines of main pharmaceutical- therapeutical fields: cardiology, neurology, pediatrics, gynecology, dermatology, etc.
Akrikhin produces a large variety of medicines of social importance. The Company is one of the largest Russian producers of medicines from Essential Drug List, as well as medicines for treatment of tuberculosis and diabetes.
Production facilities of Akrikhin are located 30 km from Moscow and comprise departments for production of medicines of practically all forms: pills, capsules, liniments, creams, balms, syrups, gels, suppositories.
Company “Polpharma” has been a strategic partner of Akrikhin on the Russian pharmaceutical market since 2007. Strategic partnership presupposes close cooperation of companies in the field of research and development, production and promotion of medicines. In accordance with results of 2009 Akrikhin was included in TOP 10 most dynamically developing companies among all players on the Russian pharmaceutical market.
For additional information, please, contact Julia Zaika, Public Relations Manager of Akrikhin Company
Telephone: 8 (495) 721-36-97
Cell. phone: 8 (916) 839-95-71
E-mail: j.zaika@akrikhin.ru